There are two possibilities for "une université". You can say a university or a college. College is a false friend! It is NOT a secondary school!
Be careful! It is a false friend! In a library, you can read and borrow books, but you have to take them back, usually 3 or 4 weeks later. You cannot keep them for yourself. If you want to buy a book, you go to the bookshop.
A foreign language is not your native language. English, Spanish and other languages you study are foreign languages. Your first language (French and maybe another one) is your mother tongue.
If you want to get a degree, you will have to pass your exams! To pass means to succeed! If you pass all your exams, you graduate! If you fail, you will have to repeat the year... Good luck!
It's true! Most students spend less time in classrooms than in French colleges. However, they have plenty of extracurricular activities! An extracurricular activity is an activity that is not part of the program. They're just for fun or to get extra credits!
You can join clubs in order to practice a lot of different activities on campus: soccer, drawing, theater and many more!
On utilise le verbe make pour dire « se faire des amis ». D'habitude, on utilise make pour les choses qu'il faut construire. C'est parce qu'une amitié, ça se construit ! On peut aussi utiliser le verbe meet (rencontrer).
On utilise BY + gérondif pour exprimer le moyen. C'est en portant les symboles de l'école que l'on supporte les équipes ! You can revise by watching this video!
Even though the students are supposed to revise for their final exams, most of them enjoy the spring break and go on a holiday to the South of the US, or even to Mexico!
Each (chacun-e) et every (tous, chaque) sont toujours employés avec des noms singuliers. Il faut donc mettre un -s à la 3e personne du singulier au présent simple.
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Etudier aux Etats-Unis
Tu aimerais étudier aux Etats-Unis ? Avant de pouvoir déambuler dans les campus gigantesques, suivre des cours passionants, rejoindre des clubs et supporter les équipes de l'université lors des matchs, teste tes connaissances dans ce quiz !