London is the capital city of the United Kingdom and of England. England is part of Great-Britain and of the UK.
The Tate Modern is a modern art museum. It is situated next to the Globe Theater and opposite Saint Paul's Cathedral. You can get there by boat because it's in front of the river Thames!
You can admire the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London. It is situated next to Tower Bridge. In the past, the Tower of London was a prison, then a zoo!
William and Kate, for example, got married in Westminster Abbey on the 29th April 2011. This monument was built in the 13th century. Big Ben is another London iconic monument and the Shard is a famous skyscraper.
London is very big, so if you are tired, you can visit BY double-decker bus (the red buses) but you can also go around BY tube or BY boat.
In London, you need to cross many streets! Be careful! In England, people drive on the left. So, when you want to cross the street, look to the left then to the right. Don't forget!
Where does the King live?
C'est l'auxiliaire DO qui porte la marque de la 3e personne du singulier ! The King lives in Buckingham Palace. It was built in 1703 and it is since the official residence of the kings and queens.
Big Ben is not the name of the tower but the name of the bell ! Sir Benjamin Hall, the man who ordered the bell, was overweight. That's why we call the bell « Big Ben » !
Avec le mot interrogatif HOW, on interroge sur les différentes possibilités ou manières de se rendre au Shard. HOW peut aussi être utilisé avec un adverbe (how many, how much...) ou un adjectif (how old, how long...)
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A la découverte de Londres
Londres est la capitale et la plus grande ville de l'Angleterre et du Royaume-Uni. Cette métropole de près de 9 millions d'habitants exerce une grande influence sur le monde des arts, de la finance et figure dans les premières destinations touristiques mondiales. Riche d'un patrimoine historique exceptionnel, Londres, qui a été fondée par les Romains il y a presque 2 000 ans, compte de nombreux monuments : le palais de Buckingham, Big Ben, le Globe de Shakespeare, la cathédrale Saint-Paul... Connais-tu ces lieux incontournables ? Es-tu prêt pour faire le quiz ?